Said, Khaled and Jamal in Paradise Now (2005)
Dodgy Morality
As they prepare to cross into Israel to carry out the bombing one of the friends asks, "Are we doing the right thing?". The other replies, "Of course we are. In one hour we'll be heroes with God in heaven." There's this attitude amongst the whole group supporting the bomb attack that attacks are legitimate because, once you're dead, what have you got to lose? They're clearly wildly incorrect in thinking that God supports their plans. God's not OK with mass murder, even for the politically oppressed. But, beyond that, is it easier to sympathise with the view that if you recklessly go ahead with something just before you die then God's going to turn a blind eye? I don't think so. There are great promises of paradise in the Bible, like 2 Peter 1:11, which says that we "will be given a very great welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ". But that's not a blank cheque. Peter's just listed a load of things (which my homegroup happen to be studying right now) that should be in our lives if we expect to receive that welcome. Terrorism's not on the list. In short, Jesus offers us abundant grace for our past but how we live now determines what our eternal future looks like. As Romans 14:12 says, "Each of us will have to answer to God".
Dodgy Eschatology (or 'way of looking at the end')
The bombers also have a slanted perspective (suggested in the film's title) on when this paradise is going to come about. Again on the way to Israel, the characters have this conversation:
SAID: What happens afterwards?
JAMAL: Two angels will pick you up.
SAID: Are you sure?
JAMAL: Absolutely. You'll see.
It couldn't be any clearer that these suicide bombers are expected to be rewarded in heaven straight after they die. They're told, "After you ascend into heaven, we'll take care of everything here." It's all about 'going to heaven when you die'. This is actually the expression of what's also a Christian misnomer, one that's prevalent in many Sunday school lessons and a reasonable amount of theology. It's the perspective that heaven's a reward denied in this lifetime but served up on death to departed souls, like pudding neatly separated from the main course but eaten simultaneously. I think it's actually the exact opposite. Heaven is near and now, available on earth for anyone open to experience it - but its fullness won't come until Jesus' return as King. The 'going to heaven' scenario either curtly ignores God's judgement or marginalises it as a sort of confirmation (since heaven and hell are already in effect). Yet Jesus repeatedly taught that He would return to resurrect and carry out final judgement (Matthew 25:31-46, Mark 13:26-27, John 5:27-29 are just a few examples). It's only then that heaven will come in its fullness as God's kingdom takes control. Heaven's available now (as we meet God here on earth), but paradise is later.
This might radically upset your perspective on heaven. You might disagree (again, please feel free to comment and say so!). You might find it hard to accept that loved ones aren't in paradise right now. And I'm sorry if that's the case. But I hope that as you continue to read the Scriptures, and particularly what Jesus says in the Gospels, that you can at least see where I'm coming from. After all, I'm not saying that it's paradise never.
Paradise Now?
Paradise Now's title brings a story to mind that might refute this, of another man many centuries earlier facing death in the same part of the world. A criminal is being crucified beside Jesus. He says, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom". Jesus replies, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:42-43). Surely this is paradise now? This isn't an easy passage to interpret given my insistence that heaven only comes after Judgement Day. My own take on it is that Jesus, struggling to breathe during His execution, wasn't about to launch into a full explanation of kingdom eschatology (what'll happen at the end). He told the criminal what he needed to hear - that Jesus wasn't going to forget him and that death wasn't the end of the story. For him, as for everyone who gives heaven a chance to invade their now, paradise is later - but it's definitely coming.